Does Halting Refugee Resettlement Reduce Crime? Evidence from the United States Refugee Ban Author: Daniel Masterson & Vasil I. YasenovDate of Publication: 2018 DecSource Organization: OtherDownload: refugee_ban_and_crime_v2_IPL_WP.pdf
Economic Impact of Refugees in Southeast Michigan Author: Global DetroitDate of Publication: 2017 OctSource Organization: OtherDownload: Refugees_Southeast_Michigan.pdf
Boosting Refugee Outcomes: Evidence from Policy, Academia, and Social Innovation Author: Salma MousaDate of Publication: 2018 OctSource Organization: OtherDownload: SSRN-id3259255.pdf
Minnesota’s Superdiverse and Growing Dual Language Learner Child Population Author: Caitlin Katsiaficas & Maki ParkDate of Publication: 2018 NovSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: MPI-MN-Superdiversity.pdf
Is there a Link Between Refugees and U.S. Crime Rates? Author: New American EconomyDate of Publication: 2017 FebSource Organization: New American Economy
The Integration Outcomes of U.S. Refugees: Successes and Challenges Author: Randy Capps, et al.Date of Publication: 2015 JunSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: UsRefugeeOutcomes-FINALWEB.pdf
A Study on the Federal Cost Shifting to the State of Tennessee As a Result of the Federal Refugee Resettlement Program For the Period 1990 through 2012 Author: Krista LeeDate of Publication: 2013 NovSource Organization: OtherDownload: tn_report_federalcostshifting_refugeeresettlement.pdf
Key facts about refugees in the U.S. Author: Jens Manuel Krogstad & Jynnah RadfordDate of Publication: 2017 JanSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: Key facts about refugees to the U.S_.pdf
Economic Impact of Refugees in the Cleveland Area: Calendar Year 2012 Author: Chmura Economics & AnalyticsDate of Publication: 2013 OctSource Organization: OtherDownload: Cleveland_Refugee_Economic_Impact.pdf
Responding to the ECEC Needs of Children of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Europe and North America Author: Maki Park, Caitlin Katsiaficas & Margie McHughDate of Publication: 2018 AprSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: ECECforRefugeeChildren.pdf