Number of Foreign College Students Staying and Working in U.S. After Graduation Surges

Neil G. Ruiz & Abby Budiman
Date of Publication: 
May, 2018
Source Organization: 
Pew Research Center

Number of Foreign College Students Staying and Working in U.S. After Graduation Surges presents findings based on ICE's data from the federal government's Optional Practical Training program. Between 2004 and 2016, nearly 1.5 million foreign graduates of U.S. colleges and universities obtained authorization to remain and work in the U.S. through this program. The data shows a 400% increase in foreign students graduating and working in STEM fields from 2008 to 2016.

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Ruiz, N. G. & Budiman, A. (2018). Number of Foreign College Students Staying and Working in U.S. After Graduation Surges. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from