The Changing Face of the Nation: How Hispanic and Asian Voters Could Reshape the Electorate in Key States

Partnership for a New American Economy
Date of Publication: 
October, 2014
Source Organization: 
New American Economy

The authors of this study ask: who will replace the baby boomers in the American voting booth? As the older, largely white generation passes on, a major demographic shift will take place as 25.6 million Asian and Hispanic voters succeed them and in the process reshape future U.S. presidential elections.

There are more than 13.2 million unregistered Hispanic and Asian voters in the United States, with strong concentrations in key presidential election states like Texas and Florida. By 2020, the study finds, almost 4.2 million additional Hispanic and Asian residents will naturalize and become eligible to vote and nearly 8.2 million Hispanic and Asian citizens will turn 18 years old. If Hispanic and Asian voting patterns from the 2012 presidential election continue into future elections, the study concludes, many Republican states will become competitive or begin to lean Democratic. The study points out that unless the Republican Party alters its position on immigration reform, this demographic shift in favor of the Hispanic and Asian vote could have a detrimental impact on the Party's chances of winning national elections in the future. (Written by Robert S. Smith)

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Partnership for a New American Economy (2014). "The Changing Face of the Nation: How Hispanic and Asian Voters Could Reshape the Electorate in Key States." Partnership for a New American Economy: New York, NY. Available at: