Delegation and Divergence: A Study of 287(g) State and Local Immigration Enforcement
The section 287(g) program, which delegates federal immigration enforcement powers to state and local officers, is not targeted primarily at serious offenders. Despite public statements by Obama administration officials that the program is primarily aimed at identifying and removing “dangerous criminals,” Migration Policy Institute researchers found that about half of 287(g) activity involves noncitizens arrested for misdemeanors or traffic offenses.
Formal program changes unveiled by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement in 2009 have not substantially changed program priorities, operations, outcomes, or community impacts, the report concludes, offering findings that also have implications for the Secure Communities program.
Capps, R., Rosenblum, M. R., Rodriguez, C. and Chishti, M. (2011). Delegation and Divergence: A study of 287(g) State and Local Immigration Enforcement. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute.