Citizenship by the Numbers

Immigration Policy Center
Date of Publication: 
September, 2009
Source Organization: 
American Immigration Council

Citizenship Day (September 17) is an appropriate time to take stock of the growing number of U.S. citizens who are immigrants to this country—or who are the children of immigrants. Roughly one-in-seventeen U.S. citizens are foreign-born, and tens of millions of native-born U.S. citizens have immigrant parents. This demographic reality has important political ramifications. A rising share of the U.S. electorate has a direct personal connection to the immigrant experience, and is unlikely to be favorably swayed by politicians who employ anti-immigrant rhetoric to mobilize supporters. This is particularly true among the two fastest-growing groups of voters in the nation: Latinos and Asians. The majority of Latinos and Asians are either immigrants or the children of immigrants, and they comprised 1 one out of every ten voters in the 2008 election.

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Immigration Policy Center. (2009). Citizenship by the Numbers. Washington D.C.: American Immigration Council.
