Deportation by Any Means Necessary: How Immigration Officials Are Labeling Immigrant Youth as Gang Members

Laila L. Hlass & Rachel Prandini
Date of Publication: 
February, 2018
Source Organization: 
Immigrant Legal Resource Center

Deportation by Any Means Necessary: How Immigration Officials Are Labeling Immigrant Youth as Gang Members details findings from a national survey of legal practitioners concerning the increased use of gang allegations against young immigrants as a means of driving up deportation numbers, at the encouragement of the Trump administration. The report suggests emerging best practices for immigration attorneys to employ in both fighting against unfounded gang allegations and working to mitigate the impact of prior gang involvement.

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Hlass, L. L. & Prandini, R. (2018). Deportation by Any Means Necessary: How Immigration Officials Are Labeling Immigrant Youth as Gang Members. The Immigrant Legal Resource Center. Retrieved from