Massachusetts Immigrants by the Numbers, Second Edition
Massachusetts Immigrants by the Numbers, Second Edition: Demographic Characteristics and Economic Footprint contains the most credible information to date on immigration in Massachusetts.
Researched by professors Alan Clayton-Matthews (Northeastern University) and Paul Watanabe (University of Massachusetts Boston), Massachusetts Immigrants by the Numbers gives a sweeping statistical portrait of Massachusetts' immigrant population. In addition to demographic information, the report delves into critical economic issues propelling much of today's debate on immigration reform. These include immigrants' impact on public assistance, social security and tax payments as well as their income disparities and rate of institutionalization including incarceration.
The report shows that, despite the heightened debate on immigration, the positive impact of immigrants on the Commonwealth's society and economy continues.
Clayton-Matthews, A., Watanabe, P. (2012). Massachusetts Immigrants by the Numbers, Second Edition: Demographic Characteristics and Economic Footprint. The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc.: Malden MA.