Immigration and American Jobs

Madeline Zavodn
Date of Publication: 
December, 2011
Source Organization: 
New American Economy

Relatively little consideration has been given to immigration reform as a way to boost the economy, even though immigration policy affects innovation and job growth. Although numerous studies have explored how immigration affects natives’ wages, there is relatively little research on how immigration affects employment among US natives. This study fills this gap and answers the question of what specific changes to immigration policy could speed up American job growth.

The analysis find that immigrants with advanced degrees boost employment for US natives; temporary foreign workers—both skilled and less skilled—boost US employment; there is no evidence that foreign-born workers, taken in the aggregate, hurt US employment; and, highly educated immigrants pay far more in taxes than they receive in benefits.

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Zavodn, M. (2011) Immigration and American Jobs. New American Economy. Retrieved from: 
