“Welcoming the Stranger” – Pockets of Bridging Social Capital Between White Evangelical Protestantism and Immigrants and Refugees

Karen Michalka
Date of Publication: 
August, 2022
Source Organization: 

With the exception of white evangelical Protestants, majorities of most religious and demographic groups believe that immigrants strengthen the United States and support having a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children. White evangelical Protestants, however, are more likely to say that undocumented immigrants should be deported and question immigrants’ contributions to society. Much has been written about the ideological, political, and sociological forces behind the rise of nationalist, nativist, and protectionist attitudes toward immigration among white evangelical Protestants in the United States. However, there are communities within white evangelicalism that support immigrants and refugees, and these groups get much less attention.

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Michalka, K. (2022, August). “Welcoming the Stranger” – Pockets of Bridging Social Capital Between White Evangelical Protestantism and Immigrants and Refugees. Public Religion Research Institute. https://www.prri.org/spotlight/welcoming-the-stranger-pockets-of-bridgin...

