California's Future Population

Public Policy Institute of California
Date of Publication: 
January, 2020
Source Organization: 

California has long been known for, and even defined by, its tremendous population growth. In 2019, the state reachedanother demographic milestone, becoming the first state with 40 million residents. (Texas, the state with the second-largestpopulation, has not yet reached 30 million.) Equally remarkable is California’s diversity: its population includes largegroups of immigrants from more than 60 countries, and no single race or ethnic group constitutes a majority. The rateof growth has slowed in recent decades, but the number of people added to the state’s population has been substantial—300,000 each year, on average, from 2010 through 2019.

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Public Policy Institute of California. (2020, January). California's future population. Retrieved from
