Work Visas Better Than a Wall

Date of Publication: 
August, 2016
Source Organization: 
National Foundation for American Policy

Building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, such as proposed by Donald Trump, would be ineffective and counterproductive, encouraging more unauthorized immigrants to stay long-term rather than working briefly in theUnited States and returning home. Contrary to the impression left by campaign rhetoric, illegal entry by Mexicans, as measured by apprehensions at the border, declined by 82 percent between 2005 and 2015. Well-designedtemporary work visas could further reduce illegal entry and illegal migration and free up law enforcement resources to confront more serious security threats to the nation.

The lack of legal work visas in the United States has exacerbated the problems that have propelled people to flee violence in Central America. The violence, it should be noted, is not generalized, but according to individualsinterviewed by attorneys and human rights groups it is focused against those who do not comply with the wishes of gang members. Teenage girls are threatened if they do not submit to the overtures of gang members, boys areassaulted or killed if they do not join a gang, and small business owners are told to pay extortion or risk the lives of their families.

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