Black Lives at the Border

Benjamin Ndugga-Kabuye, Carl Lipscombe, Nancy Adossi, Opal Tometi, & Tadios Belay
Date of Publication: 
January, 2018
Source Organization: 

Black immigrants are one of the fastest growing demographics in the United States. Nonetheless, this group remains a novelty in the broader immigration discourse. This report aims to elevate the conditions facing Black immigrants in the United States, drawing particular attention to their experience in the criminal law and immigration systems. This report argues that like African-Americans, Black immigrants experience disparate, often negative, outcomes within various social and economic structures in the United States, including the country's mass criminalization and immigration enforcement regimes.

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Ndugga-Kabuye, B., Lipscombe, C., Adossi, N., Tometi, O., & Belay, T. (2018). Black Lives at the Border. Black Alliance for Just Immigration. Retrieved from