Climate Extremes, Food Insecurity, and Migration in Central America: A Complicated Nexus Author: Diego Pons Date of Publication: 2021 FebSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: Climate Extremes, Food Insecurity, and Migration in Central America_ A Complicated Nexus _ migrationpolicy.org_.pdf
Race, Risk, and Workforce Equity in the Coronavirus Economy Author: Abbie Langston, Sarah Treuhaft, Justin Scoggins, Joe Simon and Matthew WalshDate of Publication: 2020 JunSource Organization: OtherDownload: Race, Risk, and Workforce Equity in the Coronavirus Economy _ National Equity Atlas.pdf
Immigration’s Contribution to Population Growth and Economic Vitality Author: Madeline ZavodnyDate of Publication: 2021 FebSource Organization: National Foundation for American PolicyDownload: Immigrations-Contribution-to-Population-Growth-and-Economic-Vitality.NFAP-Policy-Brief.February-2021.pdf
Fact Sheet: Mixed Status Families and COVID-19 Economic Relief Author: AICDate of Publication: 2020 AugSource Organization: American Immigration CouncilDownload: Mixed-Status-Families-and-COVID-19-Economic-Relief_UPDATED.pdf
Room to Grow: Setting Immigration Levels in a Changing America Author: Ali Noorani and Danilo ZakDate of Publication: 2021 FebSource Organization: National Immigration ForumDownload: Room to Grow_ Setting Immigration Levels in a Changing America - National Immigration Forum.pdf
Undocumented Immigrants in the Food Supply Chain Author: Nicole Prchal SvajlenkaDate of Publication: 2021 FebSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: EW-FoodSupply-factsheet.pdf
Charting a Course to Rebuild and Strengthen the US Refugee Admissions Program Author: Donald Kerwin and Mike NicholsonDate of Publication: 2020 DecSource Organization: Center for Migration StudiesDownload: CMS-and-RCUSA-Report-Charting-a-Course-to-Rebuild-and-Strengthen-the-US-Refugee-Admissions-Program.pdf
Protecting Undocumented Workers on the Pandemic’s Front Lines Author: Nicole Prchal SvajlenkaDate of Publication: 2020 DecSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: Protecting Undocumented Workers on the Pandemics Front Lines - Center for American Progress.pdf
Immigrant Essential Workers are Crucial to America’s COVID-19 Recovery Author: Fwd.usDate of Publication: 2020 JulSource Organization: OtherDownload: FWD-essential-worker-report-FINAL-WEB.pdf
Undocumented Immigrants in Texas: A Cost-Benefit Assessment Author: José Iván Rodríguez-SánchezDate of Publication: 2020 MaySource Organization: OtherDownload: usmx-pub-undocumentedresidents-050620.pdf