California's High Stake in Immigration Reform (Infographic) Date of Publication: 2013 MaySource Organization: Center for the Study of Immigrant IntegrationDownload: PERE_Infographic.jpg
The 12 States with the Greatest Economic Impact from Passing the DREAM Act (Infographic) Author: Juan Carlos Guzmán & Raúl C. JaraDate of Publication: 2012 OctSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: DREAM-states.png
How the DREAM Act Helps the Economy (Infographic) Author: Juan Carlos Guzmán & Raúl C. JaraDate of Publication: 2012 OctSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: DREAMInfographic.png
Inaction on Immigration Is Too Costly (Infographic) Author: Silva MathemaDate of Publication: 2015 AprSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: StatusQuoImmig-infographic.png
How Legalization and Citizenship Helps the Economy (Infographic) Date of Publication: 2013 AprSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: EconomicCitizenship.png
Immigrants are Indispensable to the Workforce: Education Sector (Infographic) Date of Publication: 2018 SepSource Organization: National Immigration ForumDownload: Education-infographic.png
Immigrants are Indispensable to the Workforce: Agriculture Sector (Infographic) Date of Publication: 2017 OctSource Organization: National Immigration ForumDownload: Immigrants-In-Agriculture-Infographic.png
Credentials for the Future: Mapping the Potential for Immigrant-Origin Adults in the United States Author: Jeanne Batalova and Michael FixDate of Publication: 2019 MarSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: MPI-ImmigrantOriginAdultsPSC_FinalWeb.pdf
The "Trump Slump" in Higher Ed: How Growing Intolerance is Hurting America's Colleges, College Towns, and Students Author: Business Forward FoundationDate of Publication: 2019 JanSource Organization: OtherDownload: Trump-Slump-Higher-Ed-Issue-Brief-min.pdf
The "Trump Slump" in Tourism Author: Business Forward FoundationDate of Publication: 2018 JunSource Organization: OtherDownload: Issue-Brief-Tourism.pdf