Unauthorized Immigrants: Length of Residency, Patterns of Parenthood Author: Paul Taylor, Mark Hugo Lopez, Jeffrey Passel and Seth MotelDate of Publication: 2011 DecSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: Pew_Unauthorized_Immigrants--Length_of_Residency_Patterns_of_Parenthood.pdf
Up for Grabs: The Gains and Prospects of First- and Second-generation Young Adults Author: Jeanne Batalova and Michael FixDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: MPI_Up_for_Grabs--The_Gains_and_Prospects_of_First-_and_Second-generation_Young_Adults.pdf
Addressing Health Disparities and Health Literacy Challenges in the South Asian Community: Conference (October 9, 2010) summary report and recommendations Author: Aparna S. Kalbag, Nita Ray Chaudhuri, Geetha Ghai, Naveen Mehrotra, Jigna Rao and Sunanda GaurDate of Publication: 2011 JunSource Organization: OtherDownload: FinalSathiConfReportandRecommendations.pdf
Assimilation Tomorrow: How America's Immigrants Will Integrate by 2030 Author: Dowell Myers and John PitkinDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: American_Progress---Assimilation_Tomorrow-How_Americas_Immigrants_Will_Integrate_by_2030.pdf
The Foreign-born with Science and Engineering Degrees: 2010 Author: Christine Gambino and Thomas GrynDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: U.S. CensusDownload: US_Census---The_Foreign-born_with_STEM_degrees_2010.pdf
Adult Children of Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Memories and Influences Author: Nga-Wing Anjela Wong, Paul Y. Watanabe and Michael LiuDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc.Download: ILC_Adult_Children_of_Immigrant_Entrepreneurs.pdf
A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States Author: Jeffrey S. Passel and D’Vera CohnDate of Publication: 2009 AprSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States _ Pew Research Center.pdf
Between Two Worlds: How Young Latinos Come of Age in America Author: Pew Hispanic CenterDate of Publication: 2013 JulSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: Between Two Worlds_ How Young Latinos Come of Age in America _ Pew Research Center.pdf
Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-born Population in the United States: 2006 Author: Felisa GonzalesDate of Publication: 2008 JanSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: 2006, Foreign-Born Population in the United States Statistical Portrait _ Pew Research Center.pdf
Statistical Portrait of Hispanics in the United States: 2008 Author: Daniel Dockterman and Gabriel VelascoDate of Publication: 2010 JanSource Organization: Pew Research Center