Back to the Future: The Impact of Legalization Then and Now Author: Sherrie A. KossoudjiDate of Publication: 2013 JanSource Organization: American Immigration CouncilDownload: IPC_back_to_the_future.pdf
Legalize Who?: A Portrait of the 11 Million Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States Author: Immigration Policy CenterDate of Publication: 2013 JanSource Organization: American Immigration CouncilDownload: IPC_legalize_who.pdf
Mexican Migration to the United States: Policy and Trends Author: Marc R. Rosenblum, William A. Kandel, Clare Ribando Seelke, Ruth Ellen WasemDate of Publication: 2012 JunSource Organization: OtherDownload: CRS_-_Mexican_Migration_to_the_US.pdf
U.S. Government, Heal Thyself: Immigration Restrictions and America's Growing Health Care Needs Author: Stuart AndersonDate of Publication: 2012 NovSource Organization: National Foundation for American PolicyDownload: NFAP_Policy_Brief.Health_Care_and_Immigration.November2012.pdf
Cities and Immigration: Local Policies for Immigrant-Friendly Cities Author: Pablo Mitnik, Jessica Halpern-Finnerty and Matt VidalDate of Publication: 2008 AprSource Organization: OtherDownload: COWS.pdf
Legal Violence in the Lives of Immigrants Author: Cecilia Menjivar and Leisy AbregoDate of Publication: 2012 DecSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: MenjivarLegalViolenceReport.pdf
Immigration Enforcement in the United States: The Rise of a Formidable Machinery Author: Doris Meissner, Donald M. Kerwin, Muzaffar Chishti and Claire BergeronDate of Publication: 2013 JanSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: MPI_-_Immigration_Enforcement_in_the_United_States.pdf
The Economic Benefits of Passing the DREAM Act Author: Juan Carlos Guzmán and Raúl C. JaraDate of Publication: 2012 OctSource Organization: OtherDownload: economic-benefits-dream.pdf
Contested Ground: Immigration in the United States Author: Michael Jones-CorreaDate of Publication: 2012 JulSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: MPI_-_Contested_Ground_Immigration_in_the_United_States.pdf
Latino Immigrant Entrepreneurs: How to Capitalize on Their Economic Potential Author: Alexandra StarrDate of Publication: 2012 SepSource Organization: OtherDownload: CFR_WorkingPaper13_Starr.pdf