Indian Immigrants in the United States Author: Monica Whatley and Jeanne BatalovaDate of Publication: 2013 AugSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: Indian Immigrants in the United States.pdf
The Foreign-born Hmong in the United States Author: Jennifer YauDate of Publication: 2005 JanSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: The Foreign-Born Hmong in the United States.pdf
Caribbean Immigrants in the United States Author: Jie Zong & Jeanne BatalovaDate of Publication: 2019 FebSource Organization: Migration Policy Institute
Haitian Immigrants in the United States Author: Jennifer Schulz and Jeanne BatalovaDate of Publication: 2017 AugSource Organization: Migration Policy Institute
Characteristics of the European Born in the United States Author: David DixonDate of Publication: 2005 FebSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: Characteristics of the European Born in the United States.pdf
Dominican Immigrants in the United States Author: Elizabeth GriecoDate of Publication: 2004 OctSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: The Foreign Born from the Dominican Republic in the United States.pdf
American Made: The Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Professionals on U.S. Competitiveness Author: Stuart Anderson and Michaela PlatzerDate of Publication: 2006 NovSource Organization: OtherDownload: AmericanMade_study.pdf
The Impact of the Children of Immigrants on Scientific Achievement in America Author: Stuart AndersonDate of Publication: 2011 MaySource Organization: National Foundation for American PolicyDownload: Children_of_Immigrants_in_Science_and_Math.pdf
The Ethnic Composition of U.S. Inventors Author: William R. KerrDate of Publication: 2008 DecSource Organization: OtherDownload: Kerr WP08_EthMatch.pdf
How Much Does Immigration Boost Innovation? Author: Jennifer Hunt, Marjolaine Gauthier-LoiselleDate of Publication: 2009 JanSource Organization: OtherDownload: dp3921.pdf