Eight Policies to Boost the Economic Contribution of Employment-based Immigration Author: Demetrios G. Papademetriou and Madeleine SumptioDate of Publication: 2011 JunSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: Eight_Policies_to_Boost_the_Economic_Contribution_of_Employment-based_Immigration.pdf
Police and Immigration: How Chiefs Are Leading their Communities through the Challenges Author: Police Executive Research ForumDate of Publication: 2010 JanSource Organization: OtherDownload: police_and_immigration_-_how_chiefs_are_leading_their_communities_through_the_challenges_2010.pdf
The Geography of Immigrant Skills: Educational Profiles of Metropolitan Area Author: Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings InstitutionDate of Publication: 2011 JunSource Organization: Brookings InstitutionDownload: immigrant_skills.pdf
A Thousand Cuts Author: David Jason Fischer and John TwomeyDate of Publication: 2007 FebSource Organization: Center for an Urban FutureDownload: CUF_A_Thousand_Cuts.pdf
Reviving the Middle Class Dream in New York City Author: Jonathan Bowles, Joel Kotkin and David GilesDate of Publication: 2009 FebSource Organization: Center for an Urban FutureDownload: CUF_Reviving_the_City_of_Aspiration.pdf
Closing the Skills Gap Author: David Fischer and Jeremy ReissDate of Publication: 2010 JanSource Organization: Center for an Urban FutureDownload: CUF_Closing_the_Skills_Gap.pdf
Engine Failure: A bold new vision to renew New York City's Economy Author: Jonathan Bowles and Joel KotkinDate of Publication: 2003 SepSource Organization: Center for an Urban FutureDownload: CUF_Engine_Failure.pdf
Model Cities: What New York can learn from the economic recoveries in Houston and L.A. Author: Joel KotkinDate of Publication: 2003 OctSource Organization: Center for an Urban FutureDownload: CUF_Model_Cities.pdf
The Skills Crisis Author: Neil Scott KleimanDate of Publication: 2000 AugSource Organization: Center for an Urban FutureDownload: CUF_The_Skills_Crisis.pdf
Immigrant Legalization in the United States and European Union: Policy Goals and Program Design Author: Marc R. Rosenblum Date of Publication: 2010 DecSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: legalization-policydesign.pdf